BUS W (Bus Data dan Alamat)

SAP-1 adalah sebuah komputer berorganisasi bus. Yang artinyaSemua bagian atau unit dari komputer SAP 1 menuju bus W. seperti yang tampak pada gambar di atas.

BUS  ……. ??????

The Hystory of Electrical Engineering

600 v.Chr.

Thales of Milet, Greek philosopher and mathematician, discovered the electrifying effect of amber.

William Gilbert, English physician, discovered the matrials (Electrica) and becomes inventor of the term of the electricity.

Otto von Guericke, Mayor of Magdeburger, designed a Electric machine for the demonstration of the effect of cosmic forces.

Stephen Gray, English scientist, discovered the conductivity of metal and the effects of an electrical field (influence).

Charles-François Dufay, French physicist, examined the attraction and repulsion of electrically charged bodies.

Benjamin Franklin , American politician, writer and scientist prove the electrical nature of the thunderstorms.

James Watt, Scottish engineer and inventor, improved the steam engine by invention of the condenser. 


Luigi Galvani, Italian physician and scientist, discovered with a contact of a frog thigh with two different metals that electric currents flow.

Op-Amp (Operating Amplifier)

Op-Amp dipilih karena :
1. Bentuknya kecil
2. Keandalan tinggi (untuk tegangan rendah yang butuh penguatan tinggi)
3. Mudah penggunaannya
4. Mudah diperoleh dipasaran

Simbol Op-Amp