SAP-1 adalah sebuah komputer berorganisasi bus. Yang artinya, Semua bagian atau unit dari komputer SAP 1 menuju bus W. seperti yang tampak pada gambar di atas.
BUS ……. ??????
Banyak sekali hal-hal menarik dalam keseharian yang dapat kita bagi, dan orang lain akan suka atau tidak tinggal bagaimana cara kita mengemas hal-hal tersebut menjadi sebuah suguhan yang dapat menjadi inspirasi atau pengetahuan baru bagi mereka sehingga bisa lebih bermanfaat daripada hanya menjadi kekal dalam fikiran pribadi.
600 v.Chr. | Thales of Milet, Greek philosopher and mathematician, discovered the electrifying effect of amber. |
1601 | William Gilbert, English physician, discovered the matrials (Electrica) and becomes inventor of the term of the electricity. | |
1663 | Otto von Guericke, Mayor of Magdeburger, designed a Electric machine for the demonstration of the effect of cosmic forces. | |
1729 | Stephen Gray, English scientist, discovered the conductivity of metal and the effects of an electrical field (influence). | |
1733 | Charles-François Dufay, French physicist, examined the attraction and repulsion of electrically charged bodies. | |
1752 | Benjamin Franklin , American politician, writer and scientist prove the electrical nature of the thunderstorms. | |
1765 | James Watt, Scottish engineer and inventor, improved the steam engine by invention of the condenser. | |
1780 | Luigi Galvani, Italian physician and scientist, discovered with a contact of a frog thigh with two different metals that electric currents flow. |